These are from a new find of quartz in Messina, South Africa. The famous copper mines there have been closed down for some time and all of the original quartz mined was becoming rare. New finds have opened up and the quartz is nothing short of amazing, although sadly, these mines too have closed making these quartz treasures to savor. This wonderfully misted DT crystal is 1 lb 13.7 oz and 4.6” by 3” by 3.3” and is predominantly hematite ‘red’ on her lower termination and one side and a more softly-expressed pink on the rest, giving her a sort of yin-yang expression. There are two sides that were sheared off within the Earth and through the eons, have beautifully healed and this shows the magnificent layered phantom with mauve at its base. There are Lemurian lines and iridescent glyphs on her faces … she glitters, she gleams and still she has her “soft” side … splendid! These are sacred, sacred crystals, the Jewels of Lemuria … and ready for your altar space!
The energies from this Spirit are so lofty that the hematite is almost essential to hold her to this Earth! Hematite is very balancing and seeks to align the core as well as the heart. This is a magical, magical combination … the balance is sublime and set in this already Spiritual host quartz from Messina, well … it is beyond sublime! This is a wonderful Spirit for those trying to assimilate the vast array of sensitivities and energies they are experiencing, freeing up the physical expression and putting the energy movement where it belongs … in addition, there is a new Lemurian awakening in this time and some feel that 2012 has ushered in the New Age of Lemuria. New Lemurian crystals are appearing from every corner of the world and from areas traditionally not thought to spawn Lemurian crystals. When I got the channeling for the Blue Tara Lemurians, I was told that the Lemurians knew of the pending destruction of their island and then encourage their people to spread to all points on Earth, together with the ‘Lemurian seed’ crystals so that at the proper time, the knowledge could be awakened. As I opened these special crystals, the hair was literally standing on the back of my neck … it was an experience I’ll never forget as I felt I was entrusted with the most sacred crystal ever to see the sun’s first light. I sobbed, I processed, I admired, I savored each one and know that one by one, they will go to a special Keeper who will be part of the Lemurian Awakening. This is an important Spirit for one who would be among the valiant and stalwart Keepers of these Jewels of Lemuria!
Click on the link below to see additional pictures.
Magnificent Healer Tiered Red Messina DT Quartz with Hematite - Jewel of Lemuria