#24511 Dynamic Hematite-Red Master Starbrary Quartz
Dynamic Hematite-Red Master Starbrary Quartz
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This is a hematite-red (albeit light), 2.2 oz, 3.05” by 1” by 0.9” quartz, from Brazil. His sides are covered with starbrary glyphs mainly Draco but also Leo and Cassiopeia, making him a Master Starbrary and kind of a “universal translator”. Some of the glyphs are layered, one on top of the others, so you will need a loupe to really see all that he has to say. Hematite has colored the sides and creates a backdrop for the glyphs. Study him with a loupe and you will see that his faces hold glyphs as well. You will see tiny hematite spheroids inside and many, many hematite spheroid keys on his surfaces. His base is a “V” and healed. He would be awesome used in grids or in personal meditation to initiate and maintain contact with the Star Peoples. His energy will help you soar with the stars and understand your star roots! He has some tiny dings, but nothing worrisome in the least!

Starbraries are recognized by the presence of glyph-like markings, symbols and geometric patterns plus usually a doorway or key. By aligning fingers with the doorways or keys, you can unlock different layers, depending on orientation. Companion crystals are important - they either come with the crystal (purchased with or given with) or appear shortly thereafter. They don't have to be quartz, but work with the main crystal to unlock different layers or even gain access to the crystal itself. All Starbraries work like that - the companions facilitate access, although it's possible to gain access just from the Starbrary itself.

All of the starbrary formations hold information of peoples who had a positive influence on human growth and evolution. The records were left here so that in the event of catastrophe, there would be a permanent record to help Earth rebuild. Starbraries were placed in many locations so the records could be accessed by peoples all over the world. There are sets of crystals - like chapters or series. When one comes to you, all of a sudden, you will find many more. It is important to ask the order to read them.

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Dynamic Hematite-Red Master Starbrary Quartz with Huge Past Timeline

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