This is a sparkling, flower-like, amethyst cluster, 4.9 oz and 2.6” by 1.9” by 1.5”. I was overjoyed to see these Karur (India) quartz on my supplier’s table … since the tsunami that virtually destroyed the region, supplies from there had been sparse and here was an entire table of these wondrous energies! She is a lovely amethyst with a side of teeny smoky quartz crystals, all sitting on a base of dark and golden micas. With a loupe, you can see that there are a few rutile inclusions and hematite spheroids. The crystal faces are lightly-glyphed and beautifully displayed. She radiates information, energy and beauty and perfect for your personal meditations or small altar spaces!
This Spirit has a lively, joyful energy typical of Karur quartz, but with a much deeper and yet, ethereal message. This is a difficult time and it seems like we all have way too much to do and way too little time to do it in. We all know that we need to slow down, but then that yeah, yeah, yeah voice comes in and reminds us that we still need to do this or that. So we make choices and harbor guilt about what we didn’t do or what we procrastinated. This crystal is about balance, communication and slowing down. She reminds you that your must-do list requires meditation and reconnection with core Self and Higher Self. Without those two “talking to each other”, we cannot get all the channels flowing properly. Sit with this Spirit on your lap and place each hand where it feels most comfortable. She has a magnificent crystalline musk, so anointing her with rainwater helps to raise the vibrations. Play beautiful music (I love Fairy Ring by Michael Rowland) and take this time just to BE. Ponder a particular area and feel the prickly flow of energy through your hands as it resets, balances and comforts. As you settle in to a more relaxed pace, she is wonderful for being the center of a grid where balance must be obtained with high-energy participants. This is one crystal that you will consult over and over!
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Karur Amethyst Quartz Cluster with Rutile, Hematite Spheroids and Mica Base