#24525 Luscious DT Pegasi Light Smoky Starbrary Quartz Wand with Window, Timeline
Luscious DT Pegasi Light Smoky Starbrary Quartz Wand with Window, Timeline
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This is a luscious and lustrous 2.1 oz, 4” by 0.8” by 0.75” light smoky quartz wand from Brazil. She is a DT and her sides bear an amazing profusion of Pegasi starbrary glyphs … flowing, precise and varied and full of information! Her terminal faces are likewise subtly glyphed and you will even see a small window and tiny past timeline! There is a bit of golden healer along one side as well as some really impressive rainbows. She is in most excellent condition and ready for her forever Keeper!

When I first worked with these crystals, newly arrived, I noticed the new starbrary markings and she gave me the name “Pegasi” … a short internet search followed and I was stunned by the results! Pegasus, the constellation, I knew, but Pegasi, I didn’t. The constellation, Pegasus (Winged Horse) is familiar in the Northern skies and was one of those named by Ptolemy in the 2nd Century. Within that constellation, there is a star system whose sun is named Pegasi and it has a planetary system with earth-like planet observed by modern astronomers! Could this be the link? And if so, are these peoples still there today? She has much to teach her special Keeper and answers to provide … you will be enchanted!

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Luscious DT Pegasi Light Smoky Starbrary Quartz Wand with Window, Timeline

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