This is a wonderful 1.5 oz DT quartz point from Brazil that looks quite deep purply-red . She is a nice 3” by 1.45” by 0.8” and when you hold her to the light, she exhibits a rosy glow. With a loupe, you’ll see many, many inclusions of red lepidocrosite along with her upper termination being a nice amethyst! To her side is a “sail” of light smoky quartz, totally healed and it offers a contrast to her elestial “body”.She is earthy, ethereal, mysterious, ancient smoke and fire, all in one compact Spirit … simply astounding! There is a small nick to a lower terminal face but nothing effecting her energy level in the least! She is a beautiful Spirit!
She is a very ancient Soul with wonderful, grandmotherly wisdom … and sense of humor (yes … she’s quite entertaining which seems to be a characteristic of this wonderful quartz … if you want chatty …this is your gal). She reminds me of one of those grandmas who is never still, a spitfire on the move and always with something to do. But she always has time for others and assisting where she can. This is the kind of Spirit you will find – one who will tell you not necessarily what you want to hear, but rather what you need to know. I think you will be totally astounded at the depth you will reach when she meshes with her true Keeper!
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Radiant Wise-Woman Red-Smoky Fire Quartz
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