#24533 Rare Heart-Centered Green Lemurian Dow Quartz Cluster
Rare Heart-Centered Green Lemurian Dow Quartz Cluster
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This was a treasure from the 2009 Tucson show, an 11.7 oz, 3.65” by 3.65” by 2.65”
green quartz from a new find in China. She is a cluster of two taller, Dow terminated,
crystals with smaller ones forming bridges between them. Her luscious color is more
intense at her base and pales at her gorgeous terminations. Look at that color … it’s a
lovely shade of green from included actinolite, but shifted a bit towards the blue side.
Actinolite is an amphibole mineral and true to the amphibole nature, the base has a
mixture of pale green amphibole minerals, stained with a bit of golden healer and with a
flat, sawn-off base. She has positively splendid Lemurian lines and a wondrous
crystalline suede feel to her. Some of the actinolite has formed little bumps on her, like
buttons and she sits one an actinolite-matrix base. Her faces have subtle glyphs and
some additional glyphs integrates with the lines on her sides. She is stunning beyond
words and I guarantee that she will take your breath away as soon as you open her and
welcome her to your altar.

The Dow (7-3-7-3-7-3) configuration is one of the most sought-for Master Crystals.
Dows are the perfect transmitters and receivers. Threes represent Mind, Body and
Spirit; Life, Death, Rebirth. Sevens represent the seven frequencies of the tonal scale,
the seven colors of the rainbow, the seven Chakras. Together the 7+3 equals 10:
another numeric perfection: ten toes, ten fingers, etc. The sum of all the sides is 30 –
another “3” – in the perfection of the circle. Viewed from the top, Dows have only three
faces that meet and three that add to the faceted feel.
In Lemurian times, people were closer to the Earth and its many inter-related systems.
One such was the greening of the seas. The Lemurians knew that when the seas were
green, algae had tinted the water and the various marine species all would gather, some
to feast on the abundant algae and others to feast on the algae eaters … all were part
of Nature’s cycles. It was a time of plenty and the Lemurian peoples celebrated the gifts
of the Earth in all its abundance, a deep connection to the Earth and the Sea… the
ultimate in heart-centered gift-giving. This Spirit recalls those times and the heart-
centeredness of the Lemurian peoples. The slightly blue tones speaks to the
communication that the heart does without voice. When all comes truly from the Heart
Center, there is love, compassion, empathy, sympathy, gentleness, kindness and a host
of others. The touch of a shoulder to comfort another will often say more than any
words. Her teachings are these … the gift of Love is the dearest of all and to center your
being on such a foundation is a profound strength and a connection to all that was (and
is) Lemurian.

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Rare Heart-Centered Green Lemurian Dow Quartz Cluster

1 in stock


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