This is a slender and unusual 0.8 oz. 3” by 0.65” by 0.4” oddly-shaped point from Brazil with absolutely amazing presence for such a small wand. She has a bifurcated termination and a well-slanted base with keys and Lemurian lines on the sides. But the sides are etched and convoluted and through the eons, it has repaired. Now, when you look at the area on the sides and you can see a slender path of a recent lightning strike … it was extremely hard to photograph, but it’s there. Lightning strike quartz is found in areas in Brazil where lightning strikes the ground regularly and the electricity generated leaves these characteristic patterns on the side. Occasionally, the energy is so great that the quartz is broken along the path of the electrical discharge and at other times, the path is marked by the glyphs in the quartz. She has been through a lot but she will surprise you with her amazing energy!
My first lightning strike quartz actually HAPPENED to me. I had a particularly intense meditation and at the end, I went to set the crystal on the table as I got up. The room was dark and as I reached for the table, there was a flash of light and an audible pop and I felt a piece of the crystal hit my palm! This was some time ago and I'd never heard of lightning strike quartz, so I thought the crystal was ruined! There was a gash running nearly her whole length, all cross-hatched. She was extraordinarily hot too! I emailed a friend and she explained what had happened … my quartz was far from ruined! She is one of the most intense crystals that it has been my privilege to know – and she is a perennial meditation favorite!
From a scientific perspective, I understand how the “lightning strikes” happened …quartz is piezoelectric meaning that it actually generates electricity when under pressure. That's why they use quartz in watches and other electronic items. When the pressure builds, the electricity has to discharge and it cause this characteristic zig-zag in the quartz. The lightning discharges near the crystal beds do this as well so same principle. These are rare Spirits and truly are one of profound change. Her key is a doorway and indication of inner expression as well as intense change that will alter the core of being. This is a Spirit for a Light Worker moving into a critical path of growth. I cannot begin to tell you how sacred she is …you will feel it as soon as you touch her and as I said, she is one of a kind and you’ll not see her likes again. Simply astounding!
Click on the link below to see additional pictures.
Sacred and Slender Ancient Lightning Strike Quartz