#24538 Shades of Gray Tara Quartz Cluster with Gray Sand Accents - Goddess of Peace and Protection
Shades of Gray Tara Quartz Cluster with Gray Sand Accents - Goddess of Peace and Protection
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Each shipment of Blue Tara quartz has been different, yet similar in energy and this Spirit epitomizes the last of the three shipments I have received. The gray color within the quartz comes from riebeckite inclusions and this fascinating cluster has a series of crystals ranging from one clear one to the remainder being opaque and rather weathered from the riebeckite.! Her base is rather flat with insets of gray sand and she will stand firmly on that base. The cluster is so unique and will provide so many loupe-worthy areas for exploration! She is a perfect meditation size at 3.8 oz and 23” by 2.7” by 2.35” and is in excellent condition!

In Tibetan tradition, there is a Green Tara and a White Tara with Green Tara protecting Earth and White Tara protecting long life and peace. Tara, whose name means “star”, is further the equivalent of a female Buddha. Now, this crystal is gray with a bit of white and she feels like a different aspect of Earth – the birthing … Like volcanic dust. She speaks to the creation and heart of the Earth and the role we, as humans, have to protect this Earth. She offers to her Keeper a wonderful way to work with the energies of the Earth to the repair of the damages done to Earth and revive its beauty and energy.

Cradle this Spirit in a hand and immediately, you will feel yourself surrounded by a halo of energy and there will be a fragrance, somewhat like lily-of-the-valley; sweet, clear and heady. In her is love and compassion, understanding and knowing. She clears away pretense and pain, opening your heart and your mind to her protection and guidance. It is said that Green Tara offered protection to those incarcerated during the Chinese occupation of Tibet. Gray Tara offers repair and restoration of the Earth in all aspect - the extreme honor! The Celts also have a Tara, the Fins have Tar, the Egyptians, Ishtar and the Cheyenne have Star Woman - all Tara. She is all cultures, all races and all women. Work with her in celebration of peace, protection and all that is life and life-giving – she is astounding!

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Shades of Gray Tara Quartz Cluster with Gray Sand Accents - Goddess of Peace and Protection

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