This surprising and intricate 6.7 oz DT tabby cluster is 4.5” by 2.5” by 2” and is sparkling and filled with light. The cluster is actually several curved, tabby clusters, all spread over a sparkly Mother Earth matrix. If you examine the clusters well, you will see faden lines, suffuse though they be, through the crystals. Faden is German for ‘thread’ and you can easily see how it earned its name! But this one is very special in that there are deep golden-brown blades (curved I might add) of brookite too! Now the matrix is covered with crystals that I thought at first were calcite, but I rather think they are magnesite. Either way, they add a special sparkle and energy. You will be floored by how much beauty and energy can be packed into a single crystalline Spirit! He is from Pakistan and truly fascinating and in excellent condition.
This crystalline Spirit radiates pure, unmitigated love. The brookite energies of Chakra activation are intense and I was astounded by the degree! As soon as I held him, I knew that like a lot of the faden quartz, he was used for astral projection. Astral projection is difficult for many people (me included) because it requires letting go. I always want to be present – to see and be aware. But this Spirit offers the perfect solution – that thread is the “life line” so that you can let go, but still maintain the control and yet still hold to the earth! He would be wonderful for a Keeper who is experimenting with this wondrous phenomenon and wants to explore a new aspect of Self for Spiritual Empowerment. He’s a dedicated and hard worker and an absolute delight!
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Sparkly Curved Faden DT Tabby Quartz with Curved Brookite, Calcite for Astral Travel
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