#24545 Sweet DT Emerald Crystal - Heart Opening
Sweet DT Emerald Crystal - Heart Opening
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This is an outstanding emerald crystal from Brazil. She weighs 5 grams and measures 0.7” by 0.55” by 0.35” and is a wonderful shade of green … not gemmy, but luscious none the less! Insets of mica give her added sparkle! She is doubly-terminated and a perfect size for wire-wrapping or medicine pouch.

Emeralds … the thought raises images of treasure chests in deep caves with sparkling jewels. In the middle ages, emerald was imbedded on the armor or the knights to give them the heart to fight a good and just fight. Emerald is such a strong heart stone that once you feel her energies, you won’t want to leave her at home. Unlike the pink stones, she is more of a healer and allows the heart to open, but to heal in to that openness. As a human species, we constantly store all manner of things in our hearts … our hurts, our cares, our woes, our bad memories. No wonder we have difficulty with relationships of any description! She teaches us to open wide the heart … to take that chance. Consider the beautiful song, ‘The Rose’. The lyrics stress over and over that a closed heart never truly lives and never truly experiences the total joy our physical expression is capable of. She helps you see ALL of life and love it!

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Sweet DT Emerald Crystal - Heart Opening

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