This is a very fascinating Lemurian seed quartz from Brazil weighing 4.1 oz. She is 2.6” by 1.45” by 1.2” and is a lovely “blushed” shade of hematite red that looks silvered. You will notice the red the most in the terminal apex. She has nice Lemurian lines and a quite a number of starbrary glyphs on both the sides and faces, some over-written on others. While you are studying her glyphs, note the shy rainbows that keep smiling at you! You will have to study closely to fully appreciate her intricacy – she is a stunner and beyond description. She is otherwise in excellent condition!
Red is the color of the Root Chakra, where you draw your primal Spirit. It is the essence of tribe, of family and of community. This is a wondrous Spirit who has defended all that she has held dear and shows the effects of her encounters. She teaches us that this is a powerful energy from which to draw and can sustain us when we are at Life’s lowest points. We can successfully turn fear into courage, anger into determination and defeat into victory – if and only if we harness the energy of the Root Chakra. Meditate with this Spirit and allow her to show you that strength. As you breathe, draw those energies and that strength into your Root Chakra. Slowly, pull it into each Chakra in turn until you can feel a flow streaming through the Crown. Allow the flow to continue from toe to head – there will be a total warmth, complemented by a calm knowing, an inner strength – you have accessed your Soul Source. And don’t be surprised if you detect extraterrestrial roots! Remain like this until you feel complete, thank the Spirit and incorporate the lesson, returning frequently to savor the Source.
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Well-Glyphed Silvered-Red Lemurian Seed Starbrary Quartz - Soul Source
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