Interestingly, these were new finds over a decade ago … citrine Lemurians from the pink Lemurian beds! These turned up occasionally, but never in any abundance so imagine my delight when I opened a shipment and there they were! She is a 1 lb 8.7 oz, 4.3” by 1.4” by 1.2” single crystal with polished faces and side. There is a large key adjoining the polished side and she is a lovely light gold color with a faint pink blush that interestingly gives her a dichroic effect! In some of the photos, she looks pink and in others, citrine … it all depends on how the light hits her. And she has the typical Lemurian lines, some light and others profound, on her sides with many very textural Virgo starbrary glyphs as well as some Leo! Plus, she holds a vibrant rainbow with almost neon colors! She will delight you!
These pink-citrine Lemurians are without a doubt, heart stones that emerged and spoke of love, loving and Self love. And while people don’t think of citrines as heart crystals, in the Ayurvedic systems, yellow is considered heart centered (remember heart of gold?). In addition, when the light is just right, you can see her definite pink coloring, so she has elements of both … plus her wondrous rainbows! This Spirit definitely speaks of the bottomless abundance of love – it is all around us in the spring flowers, our friends, our family and all that we cherish and hold dear. Because her citrine is blushed with pink, she really enforces the abundance of love energies. In trying times, we tend to overlook or forget that these energies are there as a support and yet, they are a “shoulder” to lean on when we need it most. And note too that abundance takes all forms and it isn’t about money and things – an abundance of love is the greatest treasure anyone can know! Her life’s pathway side leads to her dominant seven-sided face and accentuates balance and enlightenment. She will help to connect you to that treasure without end and help you see the true joy in your life!
Click on the link below to see additional pictures.
Color-Shifter Citrine Lemurian Starbrary Quartz from Pink Lemurian Beds