This is a wonderful 1.6 oz, 3.1” by 2.15” by 0.8” series of green wavellite crystals on both sides of this plate although the base wavellite is covered by a light green matrix. The growth patterns of these crystals are quite interesting … beautifully botryoidal and at the edges, you can see the cross-sections that look like little lime slices with lustrous radiating crystals! The color was hard to capture with the camera and is a bit lighter than the camera shows and is a light green with yellow leanings … like a cross between a yellow and a green wavellite. If you study the little limes with a loupe, you’ll see that they are very lustrous and have neat color variations and loads of sparkles. She is from Arkansas.
While earthy in basic feel, she is also quite ethereal. Normally, I don’t like matrix, but in this case, there is a profound grounding about it, bringing you to center. The wavellite then works her magic. We think of time as linear, however we actually live all of our lifetimes simultaneously. If you picture a sphere with your core Self at the center, all points on the sphere (representing your lifetimes) occur at once. It’s just that linear thinking has become the norm, thus we think of events as happening one after the other. In any case, she helps you to understand that relationship. I mentioned that she is magic – her radiating crystals show you the true energy flow from the center to all points. And this isn’t just an ethereal effect, is holds for the physical as well. Working with her, you are able to get to the core of everything. By understanding the true nature of past and future, we can better live completely in the now.
For Healers, use her to assist with reestablishing proper energy flow in blocked Chakras. She works rather like a fan, initiating movement and holding the Chakra open. Once open, you can use other stones to assist with the actual healing.
Click on the link below to see additional pictures.
Double-Sided Radiating Bubbles of Light Green Wavellite