This is a 3.4 oz, 3.3” by 1.3” by 1.2” smoky, opalescent Brazilian quartz with a somewhat deep key up one side. She has three matte sides and the rest are glossy … interestingly, two of the glossy sides have tactile Lemurian lines and very lightly inscribed rising pyramids and a few other strange glyphs. Her base is healed and her sides bear a plethora of starbrary glyphs … Virgo, Ursa Minor, a few Cassiopeia and very lightly-inscribed Vega, making her a Super Rosetta stone! You will need a loupe and a good, indirect light to see the Vega ones well. She is totally fascinating with much information for her special Keeper! There are a few very teeny dings that in no way diminish her.
She is without a doubt, a Lemurian but has the bearing of an enlightened one, a high priestess, a shamaness. In general, Pleiadian starbraries are associated with Lemuria, but she definitely has a different association … that of an early teacher and in particular, one to unite the peoples of Earth with their star ancestors. Her energies are gentle, but also very insistent. She holds keys to Lemurian life and the influences provided by the star peoples. Her messages are most useful to a Keeper with Lemurian roots or a definite knowledge of star roots!
All of the Starbrary formations hold information of peoples who had a positive influence on human growth and evolution. The records were left here so that in the event of catastrophe, there would be a permanent record to help Earth rebuild. Starbraries were placed in many locations so the records could be accessed by peoples all over the world. There are sets of crystals - like chapters or series. When one comes to you, all of a sudden, you will find many more. It is important to ask the order to read them.
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Dynamic Smoky Lemurian Quartz Starbrary Super Rosetta Stone