This is an unusual cluster of quartz from Brazil, just about the size of a fist! She weighs 5.2 oz and is 2.95” by 2.15” by 2.” and is a highly glossy cluster of small, Herkimer-like DT crystals that is terminated all over, but with a flattish base and a small, healed contact area. There is an assortment of lovely, glistening crystals ranging from medium to tiny … and she is water-white. The bit of yellow you see in the pictures is an issue with my photo light that is getting replaced. When I unwrapped these beauties from my supplier, SO much information came forward with the one who chose to remain with me, including the name. An apt, the name is! She is a gorgeous and chatty cluster with much to share with her special Keeper!
A labyrinth is a sacred space and contrary to what you might think, it is not a maze. A maze is a complex branching puzzle that includes choices of path and direction, often has multiple entrances and exits … and many dead ends. If you choose the wrong path, you have to go back to the beginning and start again so only one path leads to the goal. A labyrinth has only a single, non-branching path that leads to the center then back out the same way, with only one entry/exit point, so all points lead to the goal. Spiritually this means that if you choose a maze, you want to lose yourself and if you choose a labyrinth, you have elected to find yourself. I like the concept of many paths, one goal as it reinforces that in life, you may try many paths, but sooner or later, you will end up at your life’s role. This is such a quartz … a Spiritual partner in assisting you through the labyrinth and facilitating your own role in this life’s expression in physical terms as well as Spiritual ones. What a true and essential Spirit!
Click on the link below to see additional pictures.
Fist-Sized Glossy Labyrinth Quartz Cluster