This is a lovely and elongated 0.6 oz, 3.2” by 1” by 0.2”, polished chalcedony-agate slice from Indonesia. She is muted, warm shades of gold and cream and a hollow center lined with a druse of tiny quartz crystals. Bubbles of chalcedony are evident in the striations. She also softly sings! She is intricate in her patterning and shading and you will delight in exploring her with a loupe. She could be wire-wrapped (carefully) for a pendant, but she is so beautiful as is ,,, a delightful, but thin, palmstone!
Chalcedony, agate and jasper are all expressions of microcrystalline quartz. Chalcedony is more clear and expresses in formations like bubbles or lobes. Agate may have clear areas of chalcedony as well and is largely included (like moss agate or blue lace agate). Jasper is opaque and may be exceedingly colorful and intricate.
?This Spirit holds a message of peace, love, unity, friendship and faith … all at the same time being earthy and relatable. Her energies infuse a feeling that leaves her Keeper cleansed, grounded and loved. Who wouldn’t want her energies with them at all times?
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Lovely and Elongated, Polished Chalcedony-Agate Slice