This is a splendid 2.3 oz, 2.3” by 1.9” by 1.3” quartz cluster with beautiful golden coloration at the base. She is covered with Lemurian laser wands (and a few tabby wands), resting atop a layer of quartz matrix that bears two crystal caves at the side. Now, it was hard to show as I couldn’t risk getting the camera any closer and scratching a lens, but she has two Japanese law twin crystals. These are crystals that are joined at the base and the terminations are oriented at a 90 degree angle. I marked the two in the photos. In nature, Japanese law twins are very rare and you may find other ones in there but you will have to look very carefully to see them. The beauty you will see as you search will blow you away! She is from Peru and as awesome energetically as she is fascinating and beautiful! She is in excellent condition and ready to “rock” your world!
This Spirit has amazing energies! Because of her needle formation, the energy flow is very different depending on her orientation. She represents the Spiritual crossroads we all reach in life where we come face to face with determining what our true purpose is here in this life’s expression. When we think of life’s purpose, most of us think about the “job” that we do to earn money to support ourselves. For the most part, we know it’s not our life’s work and in general, we have a high level of dissatisfaction with this work, management, hours, etc. Thus, we keep looking for that magical job that will set us free. Well, it doesn’t work like that … our life’s purpose may be more simple or more complex. Sometimes, it is simply to be a good neighbor to an elderly couple, or a good mom to your kids or to listen to and help someone in trouble. Or, we could ultimately be Healers and work in energy fields. Because she has two sets of Japanese law twins, that suggests dual roles … most auspicious! Bottom line, she shows us that we have the capacity for change AND for Spiritual growth and advancement, and in short … transformation!
Sit with this Spirit by placing base in palm contact and allow thumb and fingers to frame her “petals” (carefully as her little lasers are sharp!). Play beautiful music like Michael Rowland’s “Fairy Ring” and as the music carries your mind to higher levels, focus on what it is that truly makes you happy, albeit petting kittens to doing good deeds. Ask for guidance as to how to incorporate these things into your life as it suits your true life’s purpose. Do not judge … just allow those impressions to come forward. At the end of the meditation, write things down and through the next few weeks, add to that list the miracles you see in every day: the butterflies, the first fireflies, your grandchild’s first smile, your neighbor’s face when you bring flowers, etc. These miracles (and they truly are) will help you understand the messages from your meditation. Allow and work with this Spirit often as it open your wings to flight and witness your own metamorphosis!
Click on the link below to see additional pictures.
Peruvian Needle Quartz Cluster with Japanese Law Twins