#24584 Prismatic, Silver Thread Lemurian Laser Wand Quartz - Leo Starbrary
Prismatic, Silver Thread Lemurian Laser Wand Quartz - Leo Starbrary
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This is a 1 oz, 4.1” by 0.65” by 0.5” Silver Thread Lemurian laser wand. She has a slanted and healed base with a key that stretches about halfway up one side. When sunlight hits her, she is positively prismatic – almost like one of those cut-glass rainbow catchers, but she’s entirely natural. Her sides boast some nice Lemurian lines as well as a a collection of rare Leo starbrary glyphs ! She is as sweet as she is energetic and she is a lovely emissary of the crystalline World!

These arrived from the area to the north of Diamantina, Brazil and on arrival, I had worked with a few of them, savoring the energies. The lot arrived in basically three configurations: lasers, cathedrals and tabbies, most ultra-clear and lustrous with a few having slightly matte finish sides. The name “Silver Thread Lemurian” was given to me by one special piece and it’s very fitting. If you look closely, these crystals have amazing glyphs on their sides, blended with Lemurian lines. The glyphs are definitely starbraries from various constellations throughout the Galaxy. What I am given about each is that they were a gift from the Star Peoples to those of Lemuria and the silver thread represents that link between these peoples of such diverse origins.

In addition, the information as given to me said that the cathedrals are the information storage units (true to their lightbrary expression). The tabbies either pair with other crystals or other Silver Thread Lemurians to act as both activators and keys. The lasers are very special ’ activation. To hold one of these is to truly and undeniably know what a laser is all about. Some of each of these various crystals were given to specific Lemurians and each had a role in the Lemurian society to be assisted by the Star Information. Like the Mozambique Lemurians, these are very personal crystals and each Keeper will recognize the one (or ones) they should have.

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Prismatic, Silver Thread Lemurian Laser Wand Quartz - Leo Starbrary

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