This actually doubly-terminated and humble-looking quartz cluster comes from Brazil and is 8 oz and 4.2” by 2.3” by 2.1”! He is a very light smoky color but inside, he holds deep green chlorite very close to his cluster base … you will have to look carefully to see it. His base is covered with a large druse quartz crystal, stained by golden healer. Occasional areas of clarity surprise you and reveal his inner landscapes, ever changing with the light. There is nice channeler termination on one crystal and truly, his pictures do not even come close to doing him justice! You will have to explore him with a loupe to appreciate his intricacy and depth! He has a magnificent energy and handsome presence with eons of gazing ahead for his very special Keeper.
Think about how many times, you mull over things and wish they could have been different or regret having said or done something – dwelling on the past. Some of us allow the past to totally dominate our lives by permitting events from the past to prevent enjoyment in the now: perhaps a bad childhood, a disastrous relationship or even an accident. Remembering the incidents detracts from our full enjoyment of life now. Then, there are others who live only in the future – can't wait until the weekend or the vacation or the move or the new job … or whatever. Hundreds of wonderful incidents in the now are passed up in favor of better ones to come during a more magical time. This Spirit with his protective chlorite shows you that when you open your eyes wide to NOW, you will experience miracle after miracle that BUILD toward the future, allowing “course corrections” if needed. Miracles aren't necessarily big events – they are the daily things, full of beauty, joy and delight that turn a day that is ordinary into one that is extraordinary. This Spirit helps you to understand that the only power we truly have is in the now – this time, this moment. If we embrace it totally, we will experience a peace and understanding that is unparalleled. Keep this Spirit near to you to both remind you and incentivize you and know the Power of Now.
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Scrying Messenger Pale Smoky Quartz Cluster with Dark Green Chlorite
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