This is a slender and lovely 2 oz quartz wand from Inner Mongolia measuring 3.95” by 1.7” by 0.75” with side student cluster and fully healed base. When sitting on my desk, she looks quite gray and homely but when backlit, she is a dove gray with golden-green termination. Her included hedenbergite in the termination gives her that chameleon effect, Her sides are etched and very tactile as the etchings form glyphs. As you run your fingers up a side, you will feel pin-pricks energy … like a cool rain on your forehead on a hot, August afternoon. Use a loupe to totally savor her splendor! She really “rocks” (pun intended) her Old Soul beauty!
Without a doubt, this is a Spirit for psychic development. She integrates a wondrous blend of mineral Spirits so that she really fine-tunes precisely the energy that is needed for this work. Her hedenbergite brings in the energies and emotions of the heart, opening you to compassion and empathy. Her quartz has wonderful and angelic energies that merge the heart with the Higher Self. She is a serious Spirit, possessing a very high vibration that is appropriate for the more adept Light Worker or Healer … or a serious apprentice. Use her wisely and take care not to abuse her in any way and she will reward you with an amazing experience!
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Slender, Chameleon Inner Mongolian Quartz Wand with Hedenbergite, Side Students
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