This lovely Spirit is from a new find in Sao Francisco, Brazil and is totally amazing. She is 8.2 oz and 3.45” by 2.05” by 1.75” and a DT. She is partly misted and partly clear with a few little rainbows, accented with a number of cute students. Sides feature a past timeline and Lemurian lines that blend with odd starbrary glyphs that are varied and some tactile. She is from the Cassiopeia system but Cassiopeia is a vast constellation with many planetary systems and she is neither from the original Cassiopeian or the Inderian planetary system. She is in excellent condition and offers an incredible amount of star information for her Keeper.
Among these new crystals, the glyphs are so intricate that each holds abundant information that can be accessed by running your fingers over them and feeling the vibrations that result from that touch. Visions arise and they seem to describe in detail, a planet with an advanced civilization. You get images of life there … beautiful scenery, a highly intelligent, peaceful and sensitive people. When I first worked with one, I saw waterfalls and pastel-colored cities with radiant people possessing great knowledge and wisdom. There was even information of past lives. There is an overall feeling that you have found the center of the Universe … a source or pattern for other civilizations to modify or instill in their people. She is indeed a Starbrary Elder!
To work with a Starbrary Elder, you must be very open. Create a sacred space around you with a favorite incense, gentle music and candle light. Begin a meditation and allow your mind to open. You will see the Starbrary Elder civilization and it’s wonder and wisdom will be shared with you! It will then become your turn to pass on what you learned to heal your Self, your family, your city, your country and your world!
Click on the link below to see additional pictures.
Twinned DT Starbrary Elder Quartz with Starbrary Glyphs, Timeline