#24543 Subtly-Twinned Mystic Ancient Writing Starbrary Quartz, Hematite Spheroids
Subtly-Twinned Mystic Ancient Writing Starbrary Quartz, Hematite Spheroids
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This is a newly discovered mystic quartz from Diamantina, Brazil, 12.6 oz, 3.1” by 3.1” by 2.2”. With a loupe, you will see tiny russet-red hematite spheroids inside but concentrated in irregular areas. There are very strange starbrary glyphs accentuated with deep etchings and odd configurations. Her base is irregular but totally healed and she will self-stand on it. Several small students edge the base. Her termination looks as it there was once a stargazer student there, leaving a key and also revealing a subtle twin. Her faces are also odd (the pictures will show all the detail) and one face has a light etching on it resembling a shark while the adjoining faces on either side shows a single trigonic record keeper. Light mists fill the base, emerging into clarity thereafter. She is in excellent condition, ready to work with her special Keeper.

This lady is an extreme healer, addressing energy blockages, implants from past lives and negative energy pockets. Whether we realize it or now, our aura is a blueprint of our physical, emotional and Spiritual health. Disease at all levels shows here and can be treated here as well. This Spirit is an important tool for setting the stage and accelerating the true healing to follow as well as initiating the change that will ensure a permanent “fix”. She instills feelings of openness, understanding and compassion … and with that comes both possibilities and opportunity. She is an astounding and capable helper and will be a true blessing to her Keeper.

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Subtly-Twinned Mystic Ancient Writing Starbrary Quartz, Hematite Spheroids

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